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HomeCommunityLight Field Lab, Inc. Launches to Bring Holographic Experiences to Consumers

Light Field Lab, Inc. Launches to Bring Holographic Experiences to Consumers


Light Field Lab, Inc. has officially debuted, co-founded by CEO Jon Karafin, CTO Brendan Bevensee, and VP of engineering Ed Ibe. The co-founders previously worked together to design the world’s first professional light field capture system at award-winning company Lytro. Light Field Lab attempts to build on the founders’ collective expertise with a new independent venture to advance the display, delivery, and interactivity of light field content.

Light Field Lab aspires to bring real-world holographic experiences to professional and consumer markets by focusing on the end-to-end ecosystem. Already in development, their displays will reportedly enable photo-real objects to appear as if they are floating in space–all without the aid of eyewear. Their integrated processing and imaging solutions will allow these visuals to be delivered over commercial network speeds. Also underway is a universal API to streamline the process of bringing existing content to a light field display with holographic media. Future releases of the technology will allow users to touch and interact with holographic objects.

Jon Karafin will present a first look introduction to Light Field Lab at the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Show at the Las Vegas Convention Center during the two light field technology sessions:
— Saturday April 22nd; 12:40PM; RM S222-S223; “Will Light Field Change the Way of Content Production?”
— Tuesday, April 25th; 10:00AM; RM S222-S223; “Next Generation Image Making

“We have arrived at a time where technology breakthroughs bring us closer than ever to what we imagined to be science fiction just years before. One of the main reasons I started OTOY was to help make the Star Trek Holodeck a practical reality in my lifetime. This has been a dream shared by many of us in the industry and around the world. Jon and the team have the expertise, ability and vision to bring this experience to consumers through miniaturization of inexpensive light field display hardware,” said Jules Urbach, CEO of OTOY Inc. “Time and again this team has brought advanced novel technical concepts from the academic world into commercially viable products. If anyone can pull this off, they can.”

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Vicon Introduces Mobile Mocap at SIGGRAPH

Motion capture systems developer Vicon is previewing a futuristic new “Mobile Mocap” technology at SIGGRAPH 2011 in Vancouver. Moving mocap out of the lab and into the field, Vicon's Mobile Mocap system taps several new technologies, many years in the making. At the heart of Mobile Mocap is a very small lipstick-sized camera that enables less obtrusive, more accurate facial animation data. The new cameras capture 720p (1280X720) footage at 60 frames per second. In addition, a powerful processing unit synchronizes, stores, and wirelessly transmits the data, all in a tiny wearable design.