A Mystery to Me, a new documentary series that aims to raise awareness of the rare neuromuscular disease Myasthenia Gravis (MG), will premiere its first episode at the 2020 Chicago International Film Festival.
Produced by Chicago’s Sarofsky Pictures and Director Ben Strang (BEAST), in association with Kartemquin Films (Minding the Gap) and Museum + Crane (Feels Good Man), the series features three stories of individuals with a rare, chronic autoimmune disease that causes debilitating and potentially life-threatening muscle weakness in individuals of all ages.
At the upcoming 56th Chicago International Film Festival, running October 14-25, the series’ first installment (focusing on Vanetta Drummer-Fenton) will screen in the Documentary Short Film Competition. MG United will run the entire A Mystery to Me series for its virtual premiere on November 17, 2020.