The Art Directors Guild (ADG, IATSE Local 800) Film Society’s 2019 Screening Series will conclude with The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985). It will be a tribute to its Emmy-winning and Oscar-nominated Production Designer Stuart Wurtzel, ADG, at the Aero Theatre in Santa Monica on Sunday, August 4th at 5:30 p.m.
Following the screening, Wurtzel will discuss the making of The Purple Rose of Cairo, moderated by John Iacovelli, ADG, Production Designer and ADG Film Society Co-chair. The annual 2019 Screening series “Production Design: Designers On Design,” highlights the work of renowned Production Designers and their creative collaborations, and is in association with American Cinematheque.
Representing the Art Directors Guild are John Muto ADG, Film Society Founder and Chair; Thomas A. Walsh ADG Film Society Co-Chair, John Iacovelli ADG, and Debbie Patton, ADG Director of Awards and Events. Working with them are the American Cinematheque’s Gwen Deglise and Margot Gerber.
For more information on the ADG Film Series visit