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HomeBlog the LineWGA has $9.2M strike kitty

WGA has $9.2M strike kitty


That, indeed, is the headline for the UPI story, (which itself references the Hollywood Reporter) as we tick tock down to the beginning of Hollywood’s existentially suspenseful negotiations, at last. And while a strike fund does not mean, ipso facto, a strike, it is clear that are a few Boy Scouts in the WGA, taking “be prepared” to heart.

It should get very fun, very fast. See you back here momentarily.

LOS ANGELES, July 9 (UPI) — The Writers Guild of America-West’s annual report revealed a strike fund of $9.2 million a week before negotiations are scheduled to begin in Los Angeles.

Representatives from WGA-West and WGA-East are to meet with management negotiators in Los Angeles beginning July 16 to begin work on a new minimum basic agreement for movie and most primetime television writers, Hollywood Reporter reported Monday. The current contract expires Oct. 31.

The $9.2 million strike fund was established in 1986 — the year after a two-week writers strike and two years before 1988’s five-month walkout. The WGA-West also maintains a Good and Welfare Fund of about $3 million. During strikes, the funds can be used to distribute loans or grants to qualifying member.

The reserves have crucial importance as negotiations preparations are under way, the membership and finance committee wrote, with the contract expiring in less than four months.

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