The international animated film society, ASIFA-Hollywood will launch a new student Annie award this year. This award is one of two new Annie awards being presented at the 40th Annual Annie Awards ceremony set for Feb. 2 at UCLA’s Royce Hall in Los Angeles. Students interested in submitting their productions do not need to be a member of ASIFA-Hollywood to enter. Details on the new Student Annie Award are available online at A fee of $25 for each entry is required and the deadline to submit is Oct. 21.
The Student Annie Award provides an opportunity for students who are enrolled in accredited academic programs to be recognized for their work by the Hollywood animation community.
To be eligible, the student production must have completed between Jan. 1, 2011 and Dec. 31, 2012. Student filmmakers must have been enrolled in an accredited college or adult level program during the time in which the principal animation was created. Acceptable programs, include college, university, for-profit school, adult education program, occupational programs and online programs. Submissions must be entirely the work of students, with faculty or outside mentors providing only advice and consultation.
ASIFA-Hollywood, the largest chapter of the international organization, supports a range of animation activities and preservation efforts through its membership. Current initiatives include the Animation Archive, Animation Aid Foundation, animated film preservation, special events, classes and screenings.