Actor Channing Tatum announced the winners of the Academy’s Team Oscar competition yesterday during an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live. The winners will deliver Oscar statuettes to celebrity presenters at the 87th Oscars on Feb. 22, live on ABC.
The Team Oscar competition was open to U.S. citizens, ages 18 to 30. Filmmakers submitted 60-second videos on the subject “The best piece of advice I’ve ever received” through the Academy’s Facebook page. Winners were selected by Oscar producers Craig Zadan and Neil Meron, Tatum and the Academy.
United Airlines, the official airline sponsor of the Oscars telecast, will fly the winners to Los Angeles to participate in the Oscars. In addition, the winners will have a chance to explore the collections at the Academy’s Margaret Herrick Library, tour motion picture studios and participate in meet-and greets-with filmmakers at Oscar Week events.
“I’m so impressed by the creativity, passion and hard work that went into this year’s Team Oscar submissions,” said Tatum. “It was difficult to pick just six winners, but I’ll be proud to share the Oscars stage with these talented, young filmmakers in a few weeks.”
The Team Oscar winners are:
Chris Carmona, Bell, Calif.
Justin Craig, Ballston Spa, NY
Kelly FitzGerald, Geneva, NY
Justin Floyd, Compton, Calif.
Rhianna Shaheen, Virginia Beach, VA
Patrick Walker, Atlanta, GA
The winners’ videos can be viewed here.