Marshall is a biographical dramatic film based on true events from the 1940’s depicting the beginnings of the first African-American Supreme Court Justice, Thurgood Marshall. The film stars Chadwick Boseman (42, Get on Up, Black Panther) as a young Thurgood Marshall sent to Connecticut by the NAACP to be an advocate for a black chauffeur, Joseph Spell, played by Sterling K. Brown (This Is Us) accused of rape and attempted murder on a wealthy white woman, known as Eleanor Strubing, characterized by Kate Hudson. Thurgood teams up with a local Jewish lawyer, Sam Friedman, personified by Josh Gad (Frozen, Beauty and the Beast) who’s never handled a criminal case in his life. The State of Connecticut v. Joseph Spell has been documented as one of Marshall’s career-defining cases.
Directed by:
Reginald Hudlin
Written by:
Jacob Koskoff
Michael Koskoff
Produced by:
Reginald Hudlin
Jonathan Sanger
Paula Wagner
Chadwick Boseman
Josh Gad
Kate Hudson
Sterling K. Brown
Dan Stevens
James Cromwell
The film is based on true events.
Release Date: October 13, 2017
Genre: Biography/Drama