The next CineGear On Air on Wednesday, March 24, 2021 will focus on the International Federation of Cinematographers (IMAGO), which will open up its Diversity and Inclusion as well as its Technical committees to members, cinematographers and friends via Zoom. IMAGO is an active global network created to bring cinematographers together to discuss solutions to common challenges, promote the art of cinematography globally, and share experience and knowledge.
CineGear will present two, one-hour live online panels featuring prominent cinematographers on March 24, 2021. At 11am Part I: IMAGO Diversity & Inclusion Committee kicks off with Looking at the International Picture – Reflecting on the Change, chaired by Elen Lotman, ESC and Nina Kellgren, BSC. This committee was established in 2016, as was the ASC’s Vision committee. As they both reach their 5-year anniversary, the roundtable will reflect on subsequent changes regarding diversity and inclusion in cinematography globally as well as mapping possible steps for the future and gaining a better understanding of what works for creating change.
Part II: Update on the work of the IMAGO Technical Committee, moderated by David Stump, ASC, starts at 12:00 noon PDT. Esteemed panelists include: Aleksej Berkovic, RGC, Joe Dunton BSC MBE, Juan Antonio Fernández, AEC, Stefan Grandinetti, BVK, Kommer Klejin, SBC, Edward Lachman, ASC, Dirk Meier, BVK CSI, Alfonso Parra, ADFC, Philippe Ros, AFC, John Christian Rosenlund, FNF, Roberto Schaefer, AIC ASC, Charles Poynton, PhD, Daniele Siragusano, and Barry Russo, ASC Associate.
Imago invites and encourages cinematographers from all over the world to participate. To RSVP for these free CineGear events visit