The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees announced internal structural changes to its divisions, which will go into effect June 4. Among the changes is the creation of two new divisions.
The first is the creation of a division of Education and Training to be headed by former International representative Patricia White. “Pat has taken on the role of developing these programs with great success. Training and education are a core part of our priorities for success and I have full confidence in Pat’s ability to further that objective,” said IATSE International president Matthew D. Loeb.
The second change creates a new Broadcast Division. “Representation of broadcast technicians remains an integral part of this union, and this change will bring added focus and prominence to those crafts,” said Loeb. Long-time International representative Sandra England will be charged with heading up the new division.
Finally, the Organizing Division will be folded into the current Stagecraft Division. Each of the other divisions (Motion Picture and Television Production, Tradeshow and Canadian Affairs) has its own distinct self-contained organizing function. The main focus of the Organizing Division has been broadcast and stagecraft organizing.
“It now makes sense to have a unified and cohesive organizing and representational Stagecraft department. Stagecraft organizing deserves the advantage of integration like the other divisions have,” stated Loeb. “International vice president Daniel E. DiTolla will bring his tremendous talent, tenacity and commitment to the division.”