Walt Disney Animation Studios’ production workers have completed their vote to unionize. Yesterday, 63 production employees voted to join the Animation Guild (IATSE Local 839). 93% of the voters, including production coordinators, production managers, and production supervisors, are onboard. In four days, labor and management will begin work on the first contract.
“Congratulations to the production workers at Disney Feature Animation,” the Animation Guild posted on Twitter. “Today, they voted in an election to be represented by IATSE and TAG. With 96% voter turnout, 93% voted yes.”
Back in March, the crew members announced their decision to unionize since Disney refused to recognize them as a group. A few months later, Marvel Studios VFX workers unanimously voted to unionize with IATSE as well. No workers voted against that decision at a time when animators and VFX artists continue to call out studios for bad management, unfair pay, and a long list of other issues.