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HomeIndustry SectorFilmIATSE Launches Petition as AMPTP Responds to Potential Second Strike

IATSE Launches Petition as AMPTP Responds to Potential Second Strike


IATSEThings have really been heating up between the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) even since this morning’s update on the Editors Guild reaching out to its membership about the vote for a Strike Authorization. That was in regards to the Basic Agreement that’s been in talks for a few months, but there’s actually a second matter on the table, and that’s the Area Standards Agreement, and those negotiations were suspended on Sept. 3 as talks on the Basic Agreement continued.

Both of those contracts expired on July 31 but were extended in order to “exhaust every opportunity to make a deal.” Talks for the Basic Agreement broke off on Monday, as IATSE decided seek a strike authorization from the 13 West Coast studio locals. The talks for the Area Standards Agreement broke off the next day for the 23 different locals outside of L.A..

IATSE International President Matt Loeb addressed the leaders of those 23 locals in a letter dated Tuesday, which you can read here or below:

“As you are aware, negotiations for the Area Standards Agreement have ground to a halt. Today the
AMPTP informed the IATSE that they have no further changes to their last position.

“This failure to continue negotiating can only be interpreted one way. They simply will not address the core
issues we have repeatedly advocated for from the beginning. As a result, we will now proceed with a
strike authorization vote to demonstrate our commitment to achieving the change that is long overdue in
this industry.”

It’s signed “In Solidarity” from Loeb and,

E. Joseph Miller
Business Representative,
IATSE Local 38

Colleen Donahue
Business Agent
IATSE Local 161

Mike Akins
Business Agent,
IATSE Local 479

David O’Ferrall
Business Manager,
IATSE Local 487

Darla McGlamery
Business Agent,
IATSE Local 491

Irish Barber
Business Representative,
IATSE Local 665

Constance Mallula
Business Agent,
IATSE Local 99

James Roberts
Business Manager,
IATSE Local 477

Chris O’Donnell
Business Manager,
IATSE Local 481

Michael Matesic
Business Representative,
IATSE Local 489

Gordon Hayman
Business Manager,
IATSE Local 493

Rosemarie Levy
Business Representative,
IATSE Local 798

Richard Disbrow
Business Representative
IATSE Local 122

Cory Parker
Business Agent,
IATSE Local 478

Laura King

Business Manager,
IATSE Local 484

Kellie Larson
Business Agent,
IATSE Local 490

L. Neftali Nieves-Reyes
Business Agent,
IATSE Local 494

Carl Mulert
National Business Agent,
IATSE Local USA 829

James Butler
Business Agent,
IATSE Local 209

Bryan Evans
Business Representative,
IATSE Local 480

cdavid cottrill
Southern Business Agent,
IATSE Local 488

Peter Kurland
Business Agent,
IATSE Local 492

Apple Thorne
Business Representative,
IATSE Local 720

AMPTP quickly responded, this one coming via Deadline, that in fact, AMPTP had planned on continuing negotiations on the Area Standards Agreement but never got a response from IATSE.

“The IATSE issued a news release last night stating the AMPTP had advised it on Monday September 20 the AMPTP does not intend to make a counteroffer to the IATSE’s recent proposals for renewal of the IATSE Area Standards Agreement covering production areas outside of Los Angeles.

“In fact, IATSE and the AMPTP have not communicated about the Area Standards Agreement negotiations since those negotiations were suspended on September 3, just days after they began. At that time, both parties agreed they would continue negotiations on the Area Standards Agreement sometime after the Hollywood IATSE Basic Agreement bargaining resumed on September 9. The AMPTP made moves just before the parties agreed to recess. The IATSE has yet to respond.

“It is unfortunate the IATSE has gone down the path of publishing false information about the negotiations. This approach unnecessarily polarizes the bargaining parties and elevates tensions at a time when we should be focused on finding ways to avoid a strike. A strike will have a devastating impact on the industry and inevitably will result in thousands of IATSE members losing their income, failing to qualify for health insurance benefits, jeopardizing funding for the pension plan and disrupting production. The Producers are committed to reaching an agreement at the bargaining table that balances the needs of both parties and will keep the industry working.”

On top of that, IATSE has just posted a petition to “TAKE ACTION” that anyone in the union or from outside can sign telling the AMPTP to give film and television workers a fair deal.

You can read the announcement of said petition and sign it by clicking on the link below:

Sisters, Brothers, Kin, and Allies,

IATSE members are the working-class backbone of the TV programs, films, and streaming content that provide entertainment and comfort to millions around the world.

Now, 60,000 film and tv workers are mobilizing to win a union contract that guarantees basic human necessities like adequate sleep, meal breaks, and living wages from the wealthiest media corporations and studios in the world, and we need your support.

Will you take two minutes to sign our petition demanding that The Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers provide equitable treatment for the unsung heroes of the entertainment industry?

Click here to sign the petition and please use the tools to share our message with your friends, family, and colleagues on social media.

In solidarity,


The WGA East is the latest organization to come forward to show solidarity with IATSE.

Edward Douglas
Edward Douglas
Edward Douglas has written about movies for print and the internet for over 20 years, specializing in box office analysis, reviews, and interviews. Currently, he writes features for Below the Line and Above the Line, acting as Associate Editor for the former and Interim Editor for the latter.
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Vicon Introduces Mobile Mocap at SIGGRAPH

Motion capture systems developer Vicon is previewing a futuristic new “Mobile Mocap” technology at SIGGRAPH 2011 in Vancouver. Moving mocap out of the lab and into the field, Vicon's Mobile Mocap system taps several new technologies, many years in the making. At the heart of Mobile Mocap is a very small lipstick-sized camera that enables less obtrusive, more accurate facial animation data. The new cameras capture 720p (1280X720) footage at 60 frames per second. In addition, a powerful processing unit synchronizes, stores, and wirelessly transmits the data, all in a tiny wearable design.