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HomeNewsIATSE Re-Elects Matthew D. Loeb as International President at 69th Quadrennial Convention

IATSE Re-Elects Matthew D. Loeb as International President at 69th Quadrennial Convention


Matthew D. Loeb
Matthew D. Loeb (Photo: IATSE)

The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) re-elected Matthew D. Loeb as its International President at the union’s 69th Quadrennial Convention on Thursday. 

Other incumbent officers, including General Secretary-Treasurer James B. Wood, 13  International Vice Presidents, three International Trustees, and one delegate to the Canadian  Labour Congress, were also re-elected by acclamation to their posts. The lack of opposing  nominations indicates overwhelming support for the union’s leadership as it navigated and  mitigated arguably the most difficult period in the union’s 128 year history, the COVID-19  pandemic. 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the convention was held virtually for the first time, where  delegates also overwhelmingly supported and passed, “the most progressive set of constitutional  changes and resolutions in our union’s history,” as Loeb put it. 

Additionally, the delegation was addressed by an influential slate of guest speakers which  included Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer,  US Labor Secretary Marty Walsh, Dr. Anita Hill and more. 

Since being unanimously elected by the IATSE’s General Executive Board in 2008, President  Loeb’s leadership has been transformative for the union behind entertainment. The union has  grown substantially in membership under his leadership, even in this particularly challenging  environment where most unions see declining member counts.

Click here to read President  Loeb’s full bio.

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