British-based company IPV has announced a new and exclusive series of webinars titled, “Locked Down But Not Out: Creating Video Remotely,” with participants including WarnerMedia, HBO, Sky and Sesame Street to discuss creating and securing remote workflows and maximizing ROI in the age of COVID. Running concurrently with IBC 2020, these webinars offer an exclusive opportunity for members of the video industry at large to get their questions about collaborative content creation in the age of remote workflows answered.
The sessions will begin on Tuesday, September 8, at 5pm GMT, and will then run every day that week with a different subject and guest.
The schedule is:
Tuesday, September 8th at 5:00pm GMT/ 12:00pm ET/ 9:00am PT
Sky: How One of the Largest Broadcasters in Europe Kept Creating Through a Pandemic, with Simon Greening, Head of Operations & Technology
Wednesday, September 9th at 5:00pm GMT/ 12:00pm ET/ 9:00am PT
Sesame Street: How One of the World’s Most Beloved Brands Continued to Create Content Through COVID, with Shadrach Kisten, SVP, Chief Technology Officer
Thursday, September 10th at 5:00pm GMT/ 12:00pm ET/ 9:00am PT
HBO: How Covid affected a national institution that runs on remote collaboration workflows, with Gabriel Ranaleta, Senior Post Production Manager
Friday, September 11th at 5:00pm GMT/ 12:00pm ET/ 9:00am PT
WarnerMedia: How WarnerMedia became one of the world’s largest remote video production teams, with Jacob Anderson, Manager of Asset Management and Media Services and Eric Lund, Senior Manager of Post Technology
You can register for these sessions here.
IPV VP of Marketing, Martin Coles, stated: “The insights provided during these sessions will be invaluable to any video professionals asking themselves how they can improve the work from home experience for themselves and their teams, and deliver proven ROI on their content strategies. Running daily from September 8th through 11th as part of IPV’s virtual IBC showcase, attendees are invited to join any and all of the four exclusive webinar and Q&A sessions. Viewers will have a front row seat to learn how these media magnates shifted their teams to a work from home model, without disrupting the quality of content consumed by millions around the world.”
IPV have been experts in intelligent video content management for more than 20 years with its Media Asset Management Platform helping brands create, collaborate and automate more, smarter and faster.
You can learn more about the company and get additional information on the webinar speakers and sessions at the IPV website.