The Art Directors Guild (ADG, IATSE Local 800) Film Society’s 2019 Screening Series will launch with the original Oscar-winning Disney film Mary Poppins (1964) on Sunday, April 28 at 5:30 p.m. at the Egyptian Theatre. The program will celebrate the visual professionals behind the scenes by sharing untold stories and a different perspective of the film, its artisans, and their legacy. The annual 2019 Screening Series “Production Design: Designers On Design,” highlighting the work of renowned Production Designers and their collaborations, is in association with American Cinematheque and sponsored by The Hollywood Reporter.
Moderating the panel will be Production Designer and Film Series co-chair Thomas A. Walsh, ADG and author/historian Jeff Kurtti, who served as Creative Director for The Walt Disney Family Museum prior to its opening in 2009. Representing the Art Directors Guild are Film Society Founder and Co-Chair John Muto ADG, Co-Chair Thomas A. Walsh ADG, John Iacovelli ADG, Michael Allen Glover ADG, and Debbie Patton, ADG Director of Awards and Events. Working with them are the American Cinematheque’s Gwen Deglise, Margot Gerber and Grant Moninger.
For more information