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HomeNewsLoeb,13 IATSE Locals Urge Members to Vote Yes for Contract Ratification

Loeb,13 IATSE Locals Urge Members to Vote Yes for Contract Ratification


ColorIATSELogoWe’re currently in Phase 2 of the Basic Agreement ratification process for IATSE members to get a new Basic Agreement and Area Standards Agreement. On Thursday, IATSE President Matthew Loeb and the heads of the 13 West Coast Studio locals — which includes Local 600 (International Cinematographers Guild) , Local 700 (Motion Picture Editors’ Guild), and Local 800 (Art Directors Guild) — came together to release a statement urging members to vote “Yes” for ratification of the tentative agreement in place with AMPTP for a new three-year contract, saying “We stand united in recommending a Yes vote on this agreement.”

The statement was released on the IATSE Twitter account and on the Basic Agreement page created to keep members updated and informed on the negotations and now the ratification process. Loeb and the local leaders urged members to vote “yes” to ratify the tentative agreement in the upcoming vote that will happen after all the wording and legalese has been worked out on the two contracts. This particular statement was directed to the members under the Basic Agreement, which presumably will be echoed by the heads of the other 26 locals outside of Hollywood.

The statement reads:

“When we reached a tentative agreement on the evening of Saturday, October 16th, the entire bargaining committee, consisting of over 50 representatives from all of the 13 Hollywood locals, committed to recommending ratification, because we were, and we remain, proud of what we had achieved.

“We continue to believe that not only did we reach the best agreement possible after these many months of negotiations culminating in a resounding strike authorization vote that was the turning point in us achieving what we set out to do, but also that the solidarity among the locals was inspiring and astounding and the linchpin to our success. We stand united in recommending a Yes vote on this agreement.

“To the thousands of members who are supporting this agreement, we thank you for your vote of confidence. To those of you opposed – we hear you, we see you, and we recognize we collectively still have work to do to change the culture of our industry.

“We ask you to stand with us as we move forward. Our future success will depend on our ability to stay united rather than being divided. That only serves our employers.

“Let’s move forward together and take ownership in advocating for the long overdue cultural change needed in this industry. It doesn’t stop here, and in fact, it has just begun. We are committed to doing this work together.

“This contract is only one of the tools we have at our disposal. Ultimately our solidarity is more powerful than any words on paper could ever be.

“Lastly, we want to remind you how important it is that you make sure to vote. (We expect to have the details in the coming days.) As we have seen in recent elections across the country, each vote literally can make a difference.”

The message was signed by:

Matthew D. Loeb, International President
Thom Davis, Business Manager Local 80
Rachael Stanley, Executive Director Local 892
Greg Reeves, Business Representative-Secretary Local 728
Rebecca Rhine, National Executive Director Local 600
Randy Sayer, Business Agent, Local 706
Adam West, Business Representative Local 705
Patric Abaravich, Business Representative Local 871
Cathy Repola, National Executive Director Local 700
Tobey Bays, Business Agent Local 44
Scott Bernard, Business Representative Local 695
Doug Boney, Business Representative Local 884
Robert D. Denne, Business Representative/ Secretary-Treasurer, IATSE Local 729
Chuck Parker, National Executive Director Local 800

This was punctuated on the Twitter account with a post reminding members of the importance of voting when the issue goes to a vote, overseen by third party Honest Ballot, saying, “It doesn’t stop here, and in fact, it has just begun. We are committed to doing this work together.”

You can read, download, and share the statement to members by clicking on the image below for a larger version:

Source: IATSE
Edward Douglas
Edward Douglas
Edward Douglas has written about movies for print and the internet for over 20 years, specializing in box office analysis, reviews, and interviews. Currently, he writes features for Below the Line and Above the Line, acting as Associate Editor for the former and Interim Editor for the latter.
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