Charlie Tammaro, known for his work at ARRI‘s Camera Service Center, passed away Feb. 12, due to an illness. Tammaro leaves behind his wife, Ann Marie Tammaro, and two children, Stephanie Tammaro and Charles J. Tammaro, Jr. Tammaro was a camera department manager at ARRI-C.S.C for 38 years.
Tammaro’s work at ARRI-C.S.C earned him special-thanks credits on many films including The Ballad of Jack and Rose (2005 – as Charles Tammaro), Capote (2005) and The Squid and the Whale (2005), as well as thanks from the producers of All Is Lost (2013).
Tammaro was known for his kindness, dedication and willingness to help on all productions he became a part of due to his work at ARRI-C.S.C.