Cut+Run has hired editor Pete Koob who will work alongside executive producer Deanne Mehling in San Francisco. In addition to San Francisco-based projects, Koob will be available to work on projects via the company’s other locations in Los Angeles, New York, London, Austin and Asia.
“I’m so thrilled to have Pete Koob join us at Cut+Run San Francisco,” Mehling said. “His attention to visual storytelling and comedic sensibility are a natural complement to the great creative work coming out of this market. He’s the perfect fit for Cut + Run and the SF community, and I look forward to building on his already great collection of work.”
“We are such fans of his work on Mini, Priceline and Google and all the amazing projects he’s been associated with while at Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners, and we knew he would be a great addition to the editorial talent at Cut + run,” Cut+Run’s U.S. managing director Michelle Eskin said.
Koob joins Cut+Run after his time at Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners at its in house editorial facility, called Cleaver. At the agency, he enjoyed engaging in the creative process early, collaborating with agency teams on developing pitches and final campaigns. He garnered a deep appreciation for agency process, which he hopes to apply to his work at Cut+Run.
“Deanne has an amazing reputation and we initially met so that I could benefit from her perspective on the industry,” Koob said. “Like Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners, Cut+Run is defined by its people and I am thrilled to be joining such an amazing team.”
From an early age, Koob developed a passion for storytelling and cinema; he attended Stanford for creative writing and then moved to New York to be a part of the intensive DGA assistant directing program. While working on Sex In The City and Law and Order he met the series’ editors and developed an interest in editing’s impact on story. He moved to San Francisco and immersed himself in the advertising community.
“Pete was instrumental in the formation of Cleaver and greatly contributed to the creative output on behalf of our clients,” said John Butler, executive creative director, Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners. “He’s a quick study, a terrific editor, a selfless mentor, and we wish him only the best of luck.”