Atlanta Film Studios Paulding County (AFSPC), (Atlanta’s newest full-service production complex), has entered into an exclusive vendor agreement with Los Angeles-based Paskal Lighting to provide lighting, grip and expendables to the recently opened facility.
“Partnering with Paskal is a perfect fit for AFSPC,” said Nick Smerigan of RoadTown Enterprises, which manages and operates the studio. “Paskal is not only the largest lighting and grip provider in Georgia, but are also capable of servicing all locations throughout the U.S.”
Paskal president Evan Green added, “It is my pleasure and privilege to be teaming up with Nick and Jeremy at Atlanta Film Studios, with their decades of experience in the studio business and Paskal Lighting’s expertise in the lighting and grip business we will have formed a perfect partnership that will service all production needs in the Atlanta area.”
Atlanta Film Studios Paulding County is the latest addition to the growing production industry in and around the greater Atlanta area. The studio features two 20,000-square-foot sound stages, as well as full service office space and 30,000 square feet of mill space.
AFSPC hopes to capitalize on the state’s generous 30% tax credit and bring strong economic development to Paulding County, situated just 24 miles outside of the Atlanta City Center.