RED Digital Cinema announced the specs and ship date of its long-awaited Scarlet-X camera. With burst modes up to 12 fps at full 5K resolution alongside 4K motion capture from 1-30 fps, the camera allows professional photographers and cinematographers to simultaneously capture motion footage and still content.
Scarlet-X comes standard with a Canon EF or PL mount, which can be swapped easily using Scarlet-X’s interchangeable lens mount system. Panavision, anamorphic, and Nikon lenses are also compatible with the camera. The addition of HDRx reaches up to 18 stops of dynamic range, bringing digital images closer than ever to the natural perception of the human eye.
Until Dec. 31, customers can order the Scarlet-X, which ships with the Brain, Side SSD and the newly designed aluminum Canon mount for $9,750. After that, the price for Scarlet will be $9,700 for the Brain only. The camera will begin shipping Nov. 17 with an optional a Ti PL mount (for an additional $1,500). Scarlet-X with an aluminum Canon mount will begin shipping Dec. 1.
With the innate ability to capture 5K REDCODE RAW stills and true 4K motion footage, Scarlet-X produces “visually lossless” files that can easily be graded and finished.
“Think of Scarlet-X as EPIC’s little sister,” said Jim Jannard, founder of RED Digital Cinema.
RED is now taking orders on for the camera.