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HomeGearChainsaw’s Joe Finley Grades HBO’s Game of Thrones with DaVinci Resolve Studio

Chainsaw’s Joe Finley Grades HBO’s Game of Thrones with DaVinci Resolve Studio


Game of Thrones (Courtesy of HBO)
Game of Thrones
Joe Finley of L.A.-based postproduction facility Chainsaw is currently using DaVinci Resolve Studio to color grade season six of HBO’s Emmy Award-winning series Game of Thrones.

Based on the bestselling fantasy book series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin, Game of Thrones is an epic story of treachery and nobility, set on the continent of Westeros, where summers and winters can last years.

Finley, who has been using Resolve Studio since 2012, explained that the use of different color palates takes viewers on a journey and shows them exactly where they are throughout the seven kingdoms of the realm.

Finley relies on Resolve’s custom curves, secondaries, keyer and compositing to help create the nuanced looks and colors of the show. And he is able to show different looks in real time. “It works in real time with no rendering, which is very helpful if I have to show different looks,” said Finley.

While nuanced color is important for distinguishing between locations and storylines, for the overall look of the show, Joe is tasked with delivering a very rich film look. “Regardless of the theme of the episode and whether we are going for a vibrant or muted color, I always give the footage a real film look – the highest possible feature look you can get without actually shooting on film,” said Finley.

“When working with LOG material, you need a great starting point to give it a film look,” he explained. “The ability to use the logrhythmic side of color correction in harmony with linear, regular color correction to manipulate the whites and the blacks is a tool in Resolve that I use constantly.”

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