Digital Domain Media Group (DDMG) and Prime Focus World have settled a patent infringement suit over 2D-to-3D conversion technologies filed by DDMG in 2011. Under the agreement, DDMG will license its 3D conversion technology to Prime Focus World and the two companies will collaborate on visual effects and 2D-to-3D conversion services work for feature films.
“Ultimately, this was a lawsuit between two companies that enjoy working together, so we’re happy to put it behind us and resume our prior relationship with Prime Focus – one of performing high-quality VFX work collaboratively,” said John Textor, CEO and chairman of DDMG. “We understand that Prime Focus has its own significant 3D technology and we are pleased to report, as this license suggests, that they respect ours as we respect theirs.”
“Prime Focus is dedicated to delivering the highest level of conversion to its clients,” said Namit Malhotra, CEO and chairman of Prime Focus World. “The technology that we’ve licensed from Digital Domain Media Group enhances our own robust proprietary processes and increases our efficiency for our customers. We look forward to continuing our work with DDMG on their most important VFX projects.”
Under the agreement, DDMG owns the six U.S. patents that represent the original commercially feasible computerized process for converting 2-dimensional filmed imagery into 3-dimensional stereoscopic imagery. The patents provide fundamental coverage of any modern conversion process that involves rotoscoping (i.e., computerized and semi-automatic conversion with roto), and relate to any conversion process that includes horizontal image displacement/transform.