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HomeNewsPNYA Chair Yana Collins Lehman Taking Part in Future of Television Production...

PNYA Chair Yana Collins Lehman Taking Part in Future of Television Production Panel


Yana Collins Lehman
Yana Collins Lehman

Yana Collins Lehman, Chair of the Post New York Alliance (PNYA), will be taking part in a panel for the Omni Cultural TV Virtual Fest about the Future of Television Production.

The panel will take place on Tuesday, Decemrber 8 from 4:10 to 4:55pm EST, and she will be joined by

New York Production Alliance Chair Flo Mitchell-Brown with Filmmaker and Author Heather Hale moderating.

From the panel description:

When Covid-19 arrived in the United States, New York City and other cities around the country went into lockdown, forcing many businesses to alter working methods overnight. Television production and post-production companies shifted to remote and/or socially distanced work environments, and adopted other measures to keep employees and clients safe. Now, even with promising vaccines on the horizon, it appears that many of those alternative practices are here to stay.

Respected leaders of New York’s production and post-production community, Lehman and Mitchell-Brown will describe how companies in the state have survived and, in some cases, flourished. They will discuss best practices and offer advice on what production and post-production companies need to do to maximize the opportunities ahead.

In a statement, Lehman added, “The New York post-production community was hit hard by the pandemic, but companies have shown tremendous adaptability and resilience. Our community was among the first to adopt remote technologies that allowed people to continue to work safely, and others around the country have followed our lead. The past year has been challenging, but New York City continues to prove that it is great place to shoot and finish shows.”

You can learn more about the panel and the television festival, sign up and get tickets at

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