For the second year, the Art Directors Guild will be involved in the popular Santa Clarita Cowboy Festival, to be held at the Melody Ranch Motion Picture Studio, April 20 and 21. Original art from western themed movies and television shows and personal “western” art by production designers, illustrators, and other guild members will be on display at the ADG’s main street store. Members will be on hand to draw caricatures of visitors. In addition to artwork, the ADG store will display models, memorabilia and props, including work from Deadwood production designer, Maria Caso. This TV series was shot at Melody Ranch. Some of the work being exhibited goes back to Gene Autry and the long running series, Gunsmoke.
“Events like this are important as it gives our 2,000 art department members the chance to shine outside the work situation and because it gives the public the opportunity to discover what it is we do,” said ADG president, Mimi Gramatky.
The ADG’s presence at the Cowboy Festival is part of the Guild’s stepped-up outreach being promoted by its new president.
Approximately 10,000 people are expected at the 20th annual Cowboy Festival.