Netflix has an estimated fifty series of animated shows in production, or on the platform, that are now unionized with The Animation Guild (TAG), also known as IATSE Local 839. One high-profile show’s crew is not receiving union benefits: BoJack Horseman, which is going into its sixth season and features the voice talents of Will Arnett, Amy Sedaris and Alison Brie.
According to an article in The Hollywood Reporter, Animation house ShadowMachine is said to be resisting the push for union wages and benefits. It’s a charge that a management-side source denies outright, saying that the company is offering to adopt TAG’s own collective bargaining agreement. The dispute comes against the backdrop that the writers and actors are unionized with their respective above-the-line guilds.
The situation is made complicated by the fact that some BoJack artists also work on another ShadowMachine show, Netflix’s upcoming Tuca & Bertie, which also is currently nonunion, while still others are employed on a ShadowMachine production for TBS, Final Space, that is signed to TAG. The two sides were exchanging proposals after the crew staged a ten minute walk-out March 29th, and talks on April 19th were inconclusive. Union officials met with the crew on Monday.
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