Actor and filmmaker Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson kept busy over the past weekend, not only heading an investor group buying the XFL football league from his former boss, WWE Chairman Vince McMahon, but also making an announcement on Instagram that his upcoming Netflix film, Red Notice, would be returning to production in mid-September.
Red Notice will resume filming in Atlanta at Tyler Perry Studios with writer/director Rawson Marshall Thurber as prep and construction gets underway beginning this week, according to IATSE Local 479. It will be one of a number of productions beginning over the next two months with some films and TV series already starting production overseas due to waivers allowing for international travel.
Johnson’s latest collaboration with Thurber and his first movie for Netflix will resume using the same “Camp Quarantine” protocols that Perry has put in place for his own productions. Red Notice co-stars Ryan Reynolds, whose Michael Bay-directed film, 6 Underground, premiered on Netflix earlier this year, as well as Wonder Woman‘s Gal Gadot. Red Notice will be her third film with Johnson.
You can watch Johnson’s announcement about Red Notice below, and learn more about the XFL deal on