To my surprise, I have noticed over the last few weeks a resurgence of film and TV production heading back to Louisiana, in particular New Orleans. Not only have I seen an increase in production, but have also seen projects originally slated for Georgia now moving to Louisiana.
It doesn’t hurt that some in the film and TV industry are calling for a boycott of the Peach State over a proposed Georgia adoption law that some say would discriminate against same-sex couples. A tax on Delta over NRA issues is another whole bag of controversy.
While Louisiana earned itself the title of the filmmaking capital of the world in 2013 – making more major studio features than any other single locale – the rate of new productions setting up shop in town came to a screeching halt when in 2015, the legislature instituted a $180 million cap on the amount of filmmaking tax credits the state can issue each year.
Production in Louisiana is not dead. Never was. It was, more accurately, hibernating. And now it’s starting to wake up.