Wednesday, September 18, 2024
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HomeCommunityOperation H2MO: Water for Victims of Yolanda

Operation H2MO: Water for Victims of Yolanda


Modus Operandi’s Cebu, Philippines office has launched a relief effort, dubbed “H2MO,” to deliver 4,000 one-liter bottles of water to areas affected by Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan).

Clean water supplies are low and time is of the essence. To make a donation, visit

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Vicon Introduces Mobile Mocap at SIGGRAPH

Motion capture systems developer Vicon is previewing a futuristic new “Mobile Mocap” technology at SIGGRAPH 2011 in Vancouver. Moving mocap out of the lab and into the field, Vicon's Mobile Mocap system taps several new technologies, many years in the making. At the heart of Mobile Mocap is a very small lipstick-sized camera that enables less obtrusive, more accurate facial animation data. The new cameras capture 720p (1280X720) footage at 60 frames per second. In addition, a powerful processing unit synchronizes, stores, and wirelessly transmits the data, all in a tiny wearable design.