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HomeNewsKathrin Lausch Opens New Doors for Nice Shoes

Kathrin Lausch Opens New Doors for Nice Shoes


LR-Klausch_Nice_Shoes-emailLR-Klausch_Nice_ShoesKathrin Lausch has joined Nice Shoes as the studio’s executive producer of new business, bringing with her a network of diverse contacts to help open new doors while also working to expand the relationships with existing clients.

Lausch went to school for entertainment law in Europe, then began a career as a painter before moving into the world of production and starting up her first company, Passport Films; which later became Compass Films. She has since created Pink Pony Productions, and worked as an executive producer at companies such as Partizan, B-Reel and Crossroads Films, as well as created and sold television shows in the United States and Europe.

“Kathrin is a great addition to the Nice Shoes team,” managing director Kristen Martini said. “She has an understanding of emerging media and formats in addition to a strong traditional production background, both of which are important as Nice Shoes continues to add new talent and technology. We’re excited to work with her.”

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Vicon Introduces Mobile Mocap at SIGGRAPH

Motion capture systems developer Vicon is previewing a futuristic new “Mobile Mocap” technology at SIGGRAPH 2011 in Vancouver. Moving mocap out of the lab and into the field, Vicon's Mobile Mocap system taps several new technologies, many years in the making. At the heart of Mobile Mocap is a very small lipstick-sized camera that enables less obtrusive, more accurate facial animation data. The new cameras capture 720p (1280X720) footage at 60 frames per second. In addition, a powerful processing unit synchronizes, stores, and wirelessly transmits the data, all in a tiny wearable design.