A collective of New York ad professionals and filmmakers, led by Kim Dempster (Point Blank Productions), Peter Mostert (Hooligan) and Lisa Kwon (Kwoni Productions), recently united to create #StopTheNightmare, a grassroots PSA campaign for FREEDOM FOR ALL (FFA), a not-for-profit founded by Katie Ford (former CEO of Ford Models). The cinematic PSAs visualize the nightmare of human trafficking and the global scale of its millions of invisible victims.
“Indebted,” “Drowning” and “Hidden in Plain Sight” recently launched on YouTube and will air on various social media platforms as well as donated media buys for television.
Without an ad agency spearheading it, Dempster, Mostert and Kwon rallied an army of more than 200 NYC-based creative professionals representing 15 companies to donate their talents to the cause.
Dempster, who conceived the PSAs, had been looking to do a socially impactful project when she approached Ford about the project.
Observing that many campaigns against human trafficking emphasized voice-over to educate viewers, Dempster envisioned a more visual approach – poignant narratives that would show the humanity of the victims and the gravity of human trafficking.
“The more I learned about modern-day slavery, all I could say was, ‘this is a nightmare,’ and that was the basis of our visual narrative — the nightmare of what people dream the first night they realize they have been forced into bondage,” explained Dempster, who conducted research and scripted the spots before fine tuning them with Ford. “Nightmares are beautiful dreams with an eerie presence lurking in the shadows. ‘Stop The Nightmare’ was born and that’s what we went for in order to grab the viewer’s attention and provoke questions that drive them to the FFA site to learn more.”
“Kim did amazing things on virtually no budget, and Lisa pulled strings everywhere for what was the most ambitious pro bono campaign I’ve ever been a part of,” said Mostert. “Postproduction alone was a four-month process, so the challenge was maintaining momentum as we waited for our volunteers to free up. The end result is quite powerful and we’re all happy with it. Everyone was collaborative and invested in the cause.”
“Indebted” and “Drowning,” which were shot on a sound stage, feature photo-real CG environments created by VFX companies Republic and Piranha, respectively. While the first two spots were in post, Kim and a small production crew tackled “Hidden In Plain Sight,” a portrait-style montage representing enslaved victims such as minors, fishermen and soldiers from around the globe. She shot run-and-gun at locations throughout New York City, including a Long Island fishing boat and a field resembling a rural African landscape.