SGO announced that its flagship color grading and finishing platform, Mistika, now supports Dolby Vision technology, enabling the display of high dynamic range (HDR) images with wider color gamut capabilities. SGO, working in close collaboration with Dolby, plans to make the Dolby Vision workflow capabilities available in Mistika in version 8.2, which was previewed at NAB and is due for release shortly after IBC 2014.
Dolby Vision helps content creators and television manufacturers deliver true-to-life brightness, colors and contrast by augmenting the fidelity of Ultra HD (UHD) and HD video signals for over-the-top (OTT) online streaming, broadcast and gaming applications.
“Creative teams using SGO’s Mistika can embrace the full gamut of colors, peak brightness and local contrast available with Dolby Vision,” said Roland Vlaicu, senior director, broadcast imaging, Dolby Laboratories. “Films and TV shows will look more like the real world, and viewers will notice details that might have previously gone unseen.”