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HomeNewsSynaptic Delivers VFX for Sleepy Hollow

Synaptic Delivers VFX for Sleepy Hollow


Sleepy Hollow
Sleepy Hollow
Burbank-based Synaptic VFX recently contributed to the visual effects for the first season of the new FOX series Sleepy Hollow. The series incorporates film-quality visual effects to help illustrate its re-telling of the legendary story of Ichabod Crane and the Headless Horseman.

The range of effects produced by Synaptic VFX that are regularly incorporated into the series include set extensions, fluid simulations, head removals (for the Headless Horseman character) and CG prosthetics. Each episode of Sleepy Hollow can contain anywhere from 30 to 300 digital VFX shots.

Synaptic VFX worked with the show’s overall VFX supervisor Jason Zimmerman, who, in tandem with Eddie Bonin, the show’s VFX producer, broke down each episode to develop a shot list and assigned shots to various VFX houses. Mark Miller served as Synaptic’s in-house VFX executive producer for the series.

The season finale of Sleepy Hollow aired on Jan. 20.

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