IATSE executive board VP Thom Davis was honored by the Jewish LaborCommittee at the organization’s recent annual awards brunch. Davisreceived the JLC’s Abe Levy Chaver Award for his service to labor tothe IA as well as to other union organizations in Southern California.
Davisoften chairs the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor delegatemeetings as a county fed VP. Davis, who joined the IA in 1977, has longbeen an active member of Local 80, the grip’s union, and continues toserve as the local’s business agent.
The Max Mount Mensch Awardwent to actress, producer and director Michelle Lee for hervolunteering in the past to work for scale when she starred on hittelevision series Knot’s Landing in order to keep the show filming andthe crew working.
Serena Kay Williams, secretary treasurer of professional musicians Local 47, received the Jim Doherty Dor L’Dor Mentoring Award.
Written by Jack Egan