International visual effects and animation studio Trixter Film is launching a new studio in Toronto under the leadership of Michael Gianfriddo and Ken Mandeville. This is the company’s fourth studio, joining facilities in Munich, Berlin and Los Angeles. The 16-year-old company was founded by Michael Coldewey and Simone Kraus.
The studio will offer high-end animation and visual effects services in addition to developing, producing and co-producing original content with partners worldwide through a newly formed Trixter Inc. holding company. The new entity will also invest in subsidiary companies involved in the financing, production, animation and visual effects of commercials, feature films and TV content. Gianfriddo will serve as CFO and Mandeville, as chief executive of business development and COO.
“We’ve been looking for possibilities in Canada for a while now. Partnering with Ken and Michael is strategically the best choice, because now we will [be close] to our U.S. clients and also offer the advantages Ontario provides to our international co-productions,” explained Coldewey.
Some of Trixter’s recent credits include Iron Man 3, Captain America: The First Avenger, Captain America: The Winter Solider, The Avengers and the upcoming sequel, Avengers: Age of Ultron.