The newly-launched facility, The Other Planet, based in central Leeds, is rapidly establishing itself as one of the top post facilities in the North East of England. The Other Planet, put together by three ex-ITV employees, Judy Lysaght, Andy Bell and Phil Bedwell, is now leading the area’s postproduction industry; working on the majority of primetime television dramas produced in the North of England. The Other Planet operates on two Quantel eQ editing systems, both upgraded to the latest V5 software. They are also in the process of completing seven additional multipurpose rooms and a dubbing theater used for wet or dry hire.
“We decided to set up The Other Planet to cater for high-end broadcasting and feature films in the North East of England,” Bedwell said. “We have over 60 years of postproduction experience between the three of us, so we know the most appropriate way to go about things in this tough industry. We’ve built the company from scratch, working solidly for three years to build a facility that caters for projects of any size. The result of all our hard work is definitely worth it.”
“Through word-of-mouth alone, we’ve been consistently busy,” Lysaght said. “We’ve worked on dramas including DCI Banks, Just Henry and Emmerdale for ITV, Sirens for Channel 4 and Room at the Top for the BBC. We’ve also worked on countless commercials and documentaries and the facility isn’t even finished yet. The North East is definitely becoming a hub for filming British drama, and we have had the good fortune to be involved in a considerable amount of it.”
The Other Planet is one of the first facilities to upgrade to Quantel’s EVO5 technology and support program. EVO5 maintains Quantel systems at their latest software level, as well as providing storage and PC platform upgrades to keep systems at their most productive and creative.
“We’ve recently been working on the BBC drama, The Syndicate, which was filmed mainly using natural light,” Bedwell said. “With only three days to grade the drama, the pressure was on to get a good result. Without our EVO5 upgrade there’s no way we would have finished the project on time. Our eQs with the latest Version 5 software are quick, efficient and have all the tools we need.”
“EVO5 offers customers a fantastic opportunity to bring their systems right up to date with the very latest V5 software and hardware,” Quantel operations director, Guy Eaton said. “EVO5 also provides the comfort of our Standard QCare support program with its renowned 24/7 technical support.”